Sunday, February 4, 2007

9 Weeks 2 Days

There's two in there. I still can't believe that somehow, my husband and I (who thought we would have a hard time getting pregnant) find ourselves with twins after only 6 months of trying for one baby. We had our first OB appointment this past week. My Dr. (who I LOVE) says that everything looks great...and she even snuck me in for an ultrasound. Two babies, two little heartbeats, four hands, four feet, two little noses. They already look so much like little babies and they are only a little over an inch long! I was even able to see them moving a little. I was laying there on the table in amazement. I just couldn't believe it! Yes, there are two and they are making me sick...everyone says it's a good sign to be sick...that's fine. I just can't wait until the first trimester is over. Three more weeks!

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